Are Sweeteners Healthier Than Sugar?
‘In this large cohort study, artificial sweeteners (especially aspartame and acesulfame-K), which are used in many food and beverage brands worldwide, were associated with increased cancer risk.’

The Benefits Of Barefoot Shoes
‘I had no idea most of our lower limb and even back problems are all caused by our poorly designed and fitting footwear!’

You Are What You Eat – LITERALLY
Our body LITERALLY creates new cells with the food we eat. Is it any wonder our bodies develop disease when we only supply our body with junk?

How I Made Over 150k in 1 Year (While Earning Only 30-40k)
“I’ve lost a few thousand pounds in other investments I didn’t understand along the way too but I just kept dusting myself off and going again.”

Pensions Have Changed
“I find it crazy that people have absolutely no idea what their pensions are invested into. If I said to you – give me £300 per month for the next 50 years and I’ll make sure you have enough in the pot see you through your retirement, wouldn’t you want to know what I was doing with your money? You would probably think I was a con man and was just pocketing your cash . . . but that’s exactly what you are doing with your pension!”

How to improve your credit score
“Buying my first house with no deposit by taking out a £15k loan the same day my mortgage got accepted was not one of my better financial decisions”

100 Miles Over 100 Days
https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/team/lifeoptimise/ Join the Facebook group and start your own 100 mile journey: www.facebook.com/groups/100milesover100days/ The Rules: 100 miles carried out over 100 days by walking/running 1

Money Can’t Buy Happiness
“The rat race is a game we are all playing by choice! They have laid the rules out, drip fed us the bait and we keep showing up each and every day to play the SAME GAME!”

What Are You Working For?
“We have all enslaved OURSELVES!! We have no master and there is nobody whipping us” . . .